Monday 11 March 2013

Music Magazine Planning: Audience Feedback

From several survey's about my mastheads and layouts, my audience feedback has been very positive and successful. Due to my target market being able to comment on my different fonts for mastheads, I was able to see which was most preferable and why. This is effective as it has allowed me to make a decision on what masthead is best suited for my magazine due to which is most attractive to my target audience (17 to 25 year olds). It has also allowed me to see which layout for my front cover, contents page and double page spread is most appealing to them and so allows me to create a magazine which will be popular to my target audience.
The feedback I have received has also allowed me to make improvements where needed, for example, including more plugs/call outs on my front cover and so make it stand out more and give more information about the magazine. This is very useful because it allows me to create a magazine that I know my target audience will enjoy due to it being created around their feedback.

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