Monday 11 March 2013

Music Magazine Planning: Reflection on Planning Process

Looking back at all my planning work, I believe it has been very effective and useful towards my overall product. This is because it has allowed me to carefully and precisely plan out my actions (Gantt Chart) which has allowed me to keep up-to-date on all my work. It has also allowed me to create and see an overview of my magazine and so given me the opportunity to correct and adjust any aspects that need it. I feel I have been very effective at my planning because, without doing so, mistakes may have been made and my FC, CP and DPS may not have been as successful as they will be.
This planning process has allowed me to gain and develop new skills in time-keeping, precision and using new software such as In Design, which are needed and used in the magazine industry.
Another reason this process has been very effective is because I have been able to create several drafts/mock-ups of layouts for my FC, CP and DPS. This has allowed me to decide apon the perfect layout for each page and so appeal to its target audience the best. I have also been able to make this decision due to audience feedback. By conducting several survey's for my layouts and mastheads, I have been able to see which is most preferred by my target audience and so choose layouts and fonts that will attract them and therefore create a magazine that appeals to them in the best and most effective way. This feedback has also allowed me to make changes to my layouts/mastheads where recommended, due to them sharing their opinion with me. This, again, has allowed me to start to create a magazine that best suites my target audience.
My final products are slightly different to how they were planned. This is due to various feedback from students and teachers, as well as my own opinion. My colour scheme has slightly changed to include black and gold instead of black and red. This is because I felt gold made the magazine pages look more professional and more sophisticated and so less like a child's magazine. I have slightly changed my layouts for the magazine pages. This has included removing some graphic features on the DPS and removing some coverlines on the FC. I did this because I felt the pages were too crowded and simplicity would allow the magazine to stand out more and attract my target audience.

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