Rock Sound:
This contents page uses a
large central image to look attractive and draw reader’s attention. This is a
convention for front covers, but not necessarily contents pages. This is
because contents pages tend to use many graphic features to look interesting
and give visual information. However, this page does use a contents list which
is a typical convention of contents pages. This is effective because it allows
the reader to easily navigate themselves to their desired page due to the clear
format. This list also uses two colours to distinguish the text (information)
from the page numbers. This, again, makes it easy and clear for the reader to
use. There is a variety of fonts which distinguish the sub-titles from the
text. This allows the sub-titles to stand out and so draw attention to the
reader which makes it easier for them to find what they want. The contents page
includes a large(ish) bold masthead. This is a convention of contents pages
because it gives the reader as much information as they need and in a clear
way. Fro example, this masthead advertises the name of the magazine “Rock
Sound” and so constantly remind them of what they are reading. However, many
contents pages use the masthead “Contents” on their contents pages. This is a
more used convention but gives the same effect. There is an issue number and
date below the masthead, this, again, gives the reader repeated information
that would have been on the front cover. This reminds the reader of such
information as well as looking attractive and professional. Finally, the
contents page includes a pull quote accompanied by a page number in large, bold
font. This implies a ‘big’ story/article and so is made to look more appealing
by being larger and so standing out.
This contents page uses
many typical conventions for a magazine contents page. Fro example, it uses
many graphic features as well as a large central image. This allows the reader
to gain information visually and so is appealing to many and attractive. The
use of a central image implies it is the main article due to it being bigger
than the other graphic features and so stands out and draws the reader’s
attention. Another convention is the contents list. This allows a clear
navigation through the magazine which is appealing to readers. There is also a
bold masthead “Q Contents” which tells the reader where they are in the
magazine and so gives extra information which is attractive and appealing.
There is also an issue number next to the masthead which has the same effect.
The contents page uses a variety of fonts, font sizes and font colours. This
distinguishes all the texts from each other (sub-titles, page numbers,
information and main titles) which allows clear and easy use of the page due to
certain texts, like page numbers, standing out. This is important and effective
because it clearly shows the reader the most important text which allows them
to use the contents page effectively.
This contents page
includes a large masthead “NME This Week” which is a convention of magazines as
it draws the reader’s attention by standing out. This is appealing to readers
because it shows us what the page is, which is what we expect in a magazine,
especially on a contents page. It is also attractive and forms the page. The
page also uses a contents list which is anther convention of contents pages.
This is because it allows clear navigation which is appealing to readers. There
is also a band index in list form. This form also allows easy navigation and is
clear to see. However, a band index is not a convention of a contents page, but
is an extra feature from NME. This is appealing as it makes the magazine
different to others and so stands out from its competition. Another convention
this contents page uses is a large central image. This implies it is the main
story because it is the largest picture as well as being the only page number
to be accompanied by an image. This is typical of magazines because it draws
the reader’s attention to it and so makes it more likely to be read. There is also
a small graphic feature which is used to add visual information to an advert.
This is effective because it draws out attention to the advert and so makes it
more likely to be used. There is a range font size as well as different fonts
and colours. This distinguishes the different texts and so make them clear to
read. This is appealing to reader’s because it is simple to use/read and so can
be done anywhere without having to think.
This contents page uses
many graphic features which is visually appealing and allows the reader to
easily navigate themselves through the magazine in a fun way due to less
reading. The magazine has chosen to use more images compared to text as a way
to display their contents. This is effective because it allows the reader to have
a visual idea of each page and so make a decision based on which image is
attractive to them. However, the contents page also uses text; for example,
each image is given a small about of information and a sub-title. This allows
the reader to have even more information about the different pages which is
appealing as they can decide what they want to read in an easier way. There is
also a contents list which is a convention of contents pages. This gives the
reader even more information about the magazine and in a clear way. Another
convention is the bold masthead “Contents” which is visually appealing and
gives the reader extra information about where they are in the magazine.
Underneath the masthead is an issue number and date. This has the same effect
as the masthead as it gives extra information to the reader as well as being
attractive. This contents page includes an editor’s note (which no other
contents page I’ve looked at includes). This is effective as it appeals to the
reader because they feel they are being personally addressed which supports the
uses and gratification theory of personal relationships. The contents page uses
a pull quote just below the masthead. This is effective because it is
entertaining. It is also accompanied by a page number which makes that page
more likely to be viewed because the pull quote gains the reader’s interest and
so they will want to read the whole article.
This contents page is very
simple but uses many typical conventions for a contents page. Firstly, it
includes a contents list which uses two different font sizes and colours. This
is effective because it is clear and so allows the reader to easily navigate
themselves through the magazine. The different colours distinguish the page
number from the sub-titles and so, again, make it easy for the reader to use as
well as be attractive. The use of different font sizes has the same effect but
also implies which text is most important. For example, the sub-title is more
important than the information text under it. The contents list also includes a
cover story which has been separated to the rest of the list by two lines and a
title “Cover Story”. This is not a necessarily a typical way of separating the
main story to the smaller ones but making the main story stand out is. This is
because it draws the reader’s attention and looks more appealing and important.
Another convention is the large central image. This is eye-catching and implies
a large article. This is effective because more people are likely to read the article
because the image gains their attention. However, there are no graphic features
on the page, but this makes the central images stand out even more. This is
accompanied by as pull quote is also gains the reader’s attention and so makes
the article even more appealing. There is a masthead at the top of the page
“Mojo” advertising the title of the magazine. This is attractive and a
convention for magazines. There is also an issue number and date which give the
reader more information about the magazine and is visually appealing.
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