Saturday 2 February 2013

College Magazine Contents Page Research

This contents page includes three graphic features. This makes the page more attractive and appealing. The images also provide visual information about certain articles in the magazine that are shown in the contents, for example “The Shanghai syndrome”. This, again, is visually appealing and so gives the reader a positive view on the magazine. Graphic features in the contents page are common/standard (convention). These images are also used in a Bleed (where the Shanghai image extends from the edge of the page). This is also common in many magazines as it is visually appealing as it makes the page seem more interesting and less ‘straight’ and ‘square’.
The page uses three slogans/flash to go with the three graphic features “Sleep? In Barcelona? You’re kidding me.” The target audience may find these quite amusing, making the page entertaining and not just informative.
The masthead used “CONTENTS” stands out from the rest of the text by being larger and bolder. This is a typical convention in magazines as it informs the reader of the purpose of the page (what it includes). It also draws their attention to the page by it standing out.

This contents page includes many graphic features which are visually appealing but also are used as a barrier between the contents and the magazine’s legal information. This makes it clear for the reader to understand/use the page as the different sections have been easily and attractively separated.
The page doesn't include a masthead but does include two bold and larger titles. This, again, makes it easier for the reader to identify the different sections and so use the contents page easily.
All the article titles are numbered, giving clear instructions of where to find them. This satisfies the audience as they can find what they want without hassle. This is a convention in all magazines as it is used all the time and so has become standard.

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