Monday 18 February 2013

Music Magazine Primary Research: Focus Group

What kind of music will your magazine focus on?
Alternative rock. (Specialist magazine)

What will your magazine be called?

Will you feature a single artist or a band on your Front Cover?
Single – cover whole page, perhaps head cover part of title.

What kind of article will be on your double page spread?
Interview on artist (one on front cover) will be the main story.

What colour scheme will your magazine have?
Black, white and red (dark).

How much will it cost?
£2.00 (perhaps £2.50 as £2 seems quite cheap but the survey showed that as the most popular answer).

From the focus group I have been given plenty of feedback. I struggled to find a name for my magazine and the title ‘ALT ROC’ has been suggested. I like this because it clearly shows the genre of the magazine and in an interesting way. They agreed with the single artist on the cover as it will stand out more, however, it was also suggested to have two artists and show them back-to-back or something similar. I like this idea as I think it will stand out and draw more attention. The focus group also agreed with using an interview on my double page spread as it gives me plenty to write about. The colours black, white and red seemed to be very popular but I may add some other colours, like purple, to vary it slightly. And finally, for my price, the focus group agreed that £2.00 was quite cheap so I will price my magazine at £2.75 which they group said was more realistic.

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