Monday 4 February 2013

College Magazine Layouts with Pros and Cons

Clear, traditional layout - expected of a magazine.
Large, central image is eye catching and so draws readers attention.
Many Graphic features and flashes show information about magazine and draw attention.
Simple and over used (convention) - may be considered boring and not exciting.
Too many graphic features, too overcrowded.

Simple layout, easy to uses/see.
Includes graphic features which make it more interesting and eye catching.
Too simple, not enough graphic features, may need some pull quotes, flashes, etc to make the page look more appealing and interesting.

Large central image stands out and covers page which draws attention to reader and looks more appealing.
Includes graphic features, cover lines, buzz word and flash which interests the reader and shows information about the magazine.
Includes a sky line which gives extra information about magazine which is appealing to readers.
Central image may be too big, distracts from graphic features and flash.

Exciting and interesting layout, draws attention with many graphic features and pull quotes.
Simple layout so contents easy to read/navigate.
Too many graphic features, is distracting to contents.
Contents may look more interesting if not in one straight list, but dotted around the page.

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