Monday 4 February 2013

Evaluation on Task

I found this task very useful and so successful because I learnt how to create a magazine and how to use In Design, of which I have never used before. Due to the primary and secondary research I carried out, I was able to apply traditional conventions of a magazine, for example, a large masthead, a central image and graphic features.
Not only did I learn how to make a magazine, I also learnt what makes a magazine up (central image, graphic features, skyline, pull quotes, etc) and what is needed to create one (research, planning). I have never looked at magazines in depth before and so never knew the specific words and definitions which create a magazine. From this task I have learnt and memorised them.
I also discovered all the different aspects of a magazine, for example, the photography and the research into target markets which is needed to know what images are wanted. Also, the language used, again discovered by research.
Finally, I have also developed my time keeping skills and realised how important they are in making a successful piece of work.
If I were to do this task again, I would carry out further and more in depth research to be able to create a better looking and more interesting front page and contents page. I would also use a wider range of images and focus on different aspects of the college, not just the students. I would also spend more time on my layouts and final pieces to create more interesting pages which are more eye catching and appealing to students.

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