Saturday 2 February 2013

Evaluation of Primary and Secondary Research

From my questionnaire, I have found that my target audience (college students) preferred a colourful and amusing magazine that portrayed college information in a fun and interesting way. My secondary research has also shown this, demonstrating contents and front pages in a bright and fun way, using bold, large mastheads to draw the reader’s attention.
My primary research also showed that, although they want the magazine to be fun, my target audience also want it to be informative and clearly show information that is useful for students. Because of this, I think using bright colours and bold fonts on the front page will be appealing and interesting, but they will represent cover lines and plugs about factual and important articles that students need.
The questionnaire and secondary research showed me that graphic features are essential to appeal to students as it is ‘eye-catching’ and so draws their attention to the magazine. Graphic features are also important to inform the reader, but in a more fun and easy way. Using images to inform students (of contents within the magazine) makes it easier to understand what the articles are about. They also draw attention to the magazine as they stand out, and so make the front cover look more appealing.
My primary research shows that students prefer an ‘easy-to-understand’ language which clearly explains college and how/what it entails. My secondary research shows this by it using ‘slang’ and ‘youthful’ words/phrases to interact with the reader.
Because of these reasons I will make a front cover and contents page  that is bright and exciting but gives all necessary information and in a simple and clear way.

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