Saturday 2 February 2013

College Magazine Questionnaire

Magazine Questionnaire
1.      What would you expect to see in a college magazine?
2.      What colour scheme would most attract you? E.g. bright/colourful/simple/complex/etc.
3.      What theme of articles would most attract you? E.g. sports/fashion/finance/etc.
4.      What type of pictures would you most enjoy? E.g. of students, campus, area college is based, etc.
5.      What title (header) do you think is appropriate for a college magazine?
6.      Do you think it would be useful to have information about the contents/smaller stories of the magazine on the front cover? Or just the main story?
7.      Would you find pull quotes and graphic features (small images/quotes from articles inside the magazine) attractive on the front cover? Would it draw your attention?
8.      Would you prefer the magazine to be informative and serious or amusing?
9.      How would you like the magazine to be written in terms of language? E.g. slang/specialist/formal/etc.
10.  Would you prefer the contents page to be mainly images or writing? Or a mixture of both?

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